Offices provide many of the following services:
> Applications for Child Care Assistance.
> Child Welfare Programs
> Substance abuse and mental health treatment programs as designated by (SAMHSA) federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
> Independant Living Services
> Food Assistance Programs
> Temporary Cash Assistance Programs
> Medicaid Programs
McPherson County DCF Office
see details for office hours
115 E. Euclid Street
McPherson, KS - 67460
Phone: (620) 241-3802
Fax: (620) 241-0710

Harvey County DCF Office
See details for office hours
411 Washington Rd.
Newton, KS - 67114
Phone: (316) 283-3015
Fax: (316) 283-6835
Location: 29 miles from Mcpherson

Reno County DCF Office
See details for office hours
600 Andrew Avenue
South Hutchinson, KS - 67505
Phone: (620) 663-5731
Fax: (620) 663-7868
Location: 28 miles from Mcpherson