Offices provide many of the following services:
> Applications for Child Care Assistance.
> Child Welfare Programs
> Substance abuse and mental health treatment programs as designated by (SAMHSA) federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
> Independant Living Services
> Food Assistance Programs
> Temporary Cash Assistance Programs
> Medicaid Programs
Logan DHHR Office
see details for office hours
130 Stratton Street
Logan, WV - 25601
Phone: (304) 792-7095
Fax: (304) 792-7003

Wayne DHHR Office
See details for office hours
26452 East Lynn Road
Wayne, WV - 25570
Phone: (304) 272-6311
Fax: (304) 272-5183
Location: 34 miles from Logan

Boone DHHR Office
See details for office hours
156 Resource Lane
Foster, WV - 25081
Phone: (304) 369-7802
Fax: (304) 369-7816
Location: 23 miles from Logan

Mingo DHHR Office
See details for office hours
203 E. Third Avenue
Williamson, WV - 25661
Phone: (304) 235-4680
Fax: (304) 235-4667
Location: 17 miles from Logan