North Dakota Children and Family Services

Bismarck, ND - 58505

North Dakota Children and Family Services

Contact Info

Find the latest and most accurate information on North Dakota Children and Family Services


600 East Boulevard Avenue Department 325
Bismarck, ND - 58505


Not available yet


(701) 328-2316

Frequently Asked Questions

Are appointments required? 1 responses

User Answers

Yes Answered Jun 16, 2021

What documents do I need to present?
How do I file an anonymous report?
How to file a complaint on a caseworker?
How to report fraud?

Information on Services

To provide quality, efficient, and effective human services, which improve the lives of people.

Provides services that help vulnerable North Dakotans of all ages to maintain or enhance their quality of life, which may be threatened by lack of financial resources, emotional crises, disabling conditions, or an inability to protect themselves.
Supports the provision of services and care as close to home as possible to maximize each person's independence while preserving the dignity of all individuals and respecting their constitutional and civil rights.

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