Connecticut DCF Regional Office New Britain
Contact Info
Find the latest and most accurate information on Connecticut DCF Regional Office New Britain
1 Grove Street, 4th Floor
New Britain, CT - 06053
Not available yetPhone
(860) 832-5200
Frequently Asked Questions
Information on Services
Parking: Park at the Myrtle St. Lot
In partnership with families and communities, the Department of Children and Families will advance the health, safety and learning of all children we serve, both in and out of school, identify and support their special talents, and provide opportunities for them to give back to their communities and leave the Department with an enduring connection to a family.
Seven Cross Cutting Themes:
1. implementing strength-based family policy, practice and programs;
2. applying the neuroscience of early childhood and adolescent development;
3. expanding trauma-informed practice and culture;
4. addressing racial inequities in all areas of our practice;
5. building new community and agency partnerships;
6. improving leadership, management, supervision and accountability; and
7. becoming a learning organization.
Dear Representative, How are you doing? I hope all is well, that you have not gotten the virus, I would like an application for respite care. Then, I may be interested in becoming a foster parent. How can I have an application for both respite care and foster care? By the way, I have visited The New Britain, CT office. The experience was wonderful, I had a meeting with a gentleman and there were some people that were interested in becoming a parent.