DCF Headquarters

Tallahassee, FL - 32399

DCF Headquarters Contact Info

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1317 Winewood Blvd. Building 1, Room 202
Tallahassee, FL - 32399


Not available yet


(850) 487-1111

Frequently Asked Questions

Are appointments required? 1 responses

User Answers

Yes Answered Jun 16, 2021

What documents do I need to present?
How do I file an anonymous report?
How to file a complaint on a caseworker?
How to report fraud?
How do I enter a change of address with DCF?

Information on Services

The Department of Children & Families has several programs that can help Florida families.

These include ACCESS Florida, Adult Services, and Child Care.

Abuse Hotline
ACCESS Florida
Adult Protective Services
Background Screening
Child Care
Child Welfare
Children's Legal Services
Community-Based Care
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
Domestic Violence
Foster Care
Human Trafficking
Independent Living Services
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children
Mental Health
Public Benefits Integrity
Refugee Services
Substance Abuse


2024-06-12 08:59:08

I have tried my utmost not to get out of character with this program. I have been trying to contact a DCF caseworker that was ASSIGNED to me with absolutely no resolve. When I finally do get help the finalized income amounts are no where near what I original reported to the department. In THREE MONTHS I have spoken to ONE PERSON. Something HAS to be done about this. We need help and no one is giving it.

2024-02-21 12:27:29

My 'review' of this entity and it's contractors is that they have a massive problem with Systemic failures and Institutional Child Abuse. That is not to envelop every person within these entities but there are enough 'bad apples' to contaminate the whole barrel. There are far too many lapses in following procedures, more akin to 'making it up' as they go along; lapses in maintaining confidentiality. The agency and contracted personnel that are subjects of formal complaints are protected by the 'wall of confidentiality' that exists which prevents clients, families, attorneys and the media from seeking records and holding them accountable. That 'wall' protects personnel while endangering the children who are supposedly being protected.

2021-04-12 22:55:26

We are very worry about the snap full allotment for the month of April 2021 for the state of Florida have not been approved yet.Is really disgusting and is a shame that when so many kids and poor families do not have food to put on the table and are very hungry this help that was approved for the USDA is not in our EBT cards deposit already.The bureaucracy in the government is disgusting and we can see “how much the government care about the poor families.The unemployment rate is high,the people have not money to pay for their rent and bills,and in top of that you guys are thinking to approve the snap full allotment to put food on the table.

2020-10-21 15:31:18

To Whom This May Concern, I have made phone calls I have even contacted the Governor to no avail. What does it take to get someone to investigate a county DCF office and their " sister office" that works with DCF. Rights have been violated children have been failed by the depots involved and nobody cares cause it's election time and covid19 time. Does it take news channels for the state or maybe news channels across the United States? I am making my last request for help. Hoping the office in Tallahassee will respond and assist. Thank You, Florence Taylor 813 479 7033

2019-12-22 10:33:06

Lord knows I’d love to leave a review!!! Not only has this department harassed and neglect my family but now are refusing to answer any of my emails. My husband, 2 year old, 4 year old, and myself have never had an issue with this department until my husband was not required to pay child support through the department of revenue. Once he wasn’t required to pay through them anymore (he does still pay but through the court) they have done everything they could to keep from helping my family. My husband recently started working at the end of October. Before I even had a chance to report his income they were sending me things in the mail and calling me multiple times a day harassing me and accusing me of being dishonest and not reporting his income. First of all I didn’t have a chance before they contacted me. My husband is only working part time as I am myself. The bills we have even after cutting back is over $500 more then what we make. Anyways the department asked me to send them his pay stubs before November 14th. On November 13 I sent all the documents in and they were uploaded by the department. A day or two later I got a notice saying they were closing my case because I did not send in the information which was absolutely a lie! So being they wanted to play dirty I re applied and send them EVERYTHING they wanted and did my interview. I waited over 30 days for them to “make a choice” well when they did they denied my case saying I didn’t send in my information which was another lie!!!!So I called this department and the lady I spoke with said she didn’t understand why they did that and sent my case back in for another review. Still waiting a week for my answer for them to only give me $16 a month! $16 a month?? To feed two adults and two small boys. Like I said earlier the bills we have even after cutting back exceeds our income over $500. But yet this department expects us to be able to afford to Feed these babies with $16! I’ve retired to contact this department in several different ways and I’m sure this one isn’t going to go any further then this. I also tried to contact jeanna Olsen but yet I response. She apparently doesn’t do her job either. I explained to her I have all the documentation and proof to where this department is neglecting and harassing my family and my next step is to file neglect charges and whatever else I can. Whether is helps my family out or not at least maybe they will think twice next time before trying to harass and neglect another family!!!!

2019-11-19 09:14:58

I am the grandmother to an autistic child who mom was Baker Acted. DCF Stuart FL took my grandson and placed him with a non custodial boyfriend. The grandfather and I did a background check and fingerprints and came up clear. We also did a home study and agreed to take care of grandson financially until his mother completes her care plan. DCF have made many mistakes,which I can prove and have blatantly lied to us on facts . As I said before he is an autistic non-verbal child placed in a non-custodial house with a man who suffers from bipolar illness post-traumatic stress disorder and also has two small children under 5 to take care of.I would like to know please what can I do to get my grandson to stay with me until his mother is well enough to have them back

2019-10-21 12:36:43

Good Morning there To Whom it can concern, I have contacted to you office by many times, but unfortunately no one has done anything to solve my case. Just today I continue calling his office, but nobody answers. As you know my story is long and sad to tell, I have already sent all my evidence to show that DCF acted rashly with the intention of closing my center, simply for revenge. My rights are being violated and I am not treated with the same opportunity as all daycares in Florida. I repeat, just read my inspection reports from my center and you could realize that I am saying the truth. I am desperate, I have been unemployed for almost 3 years, 16 years of work in my community 24/7, and a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education was thrown away in 3 days just for revenge, my reputation is on the ground, with false accusations of hiring teachers without BGS. So although I live in Orlando, I don't have a car or drive, here there are no buses for Tallahassee, however I want to go to his office to present my case.  I want to see them face to face, to show that everything was planned here in the Orlando office, only for revenge, since I sent an email asking for help, to the office of the Inspector General in Tallahasse on April 30, 2016, this email was the that unleashed all the anger, both of the DCF staff and their 2 lawyers, and I was a vulnerable Hispanic woman, who until now began to take forward my center, which was my passion, with a limited English, and without a lawyer to defend me from his powerful agency and 2 lawyers against me. Well now all I am asking for is my Home daycare license, which operates for 14 years without any problem, and to which the DCF lawyer is denying me, with the answer that I can never have a license, by what happened in my center, and what happened in my center? .. nothing out of the ordinary, the same Non-Compliances that all daycares in Florida .. so at any time I arrive at your office, and since nobody answers the phone , I hope someone will attend me, since for me to get there is an odyssey, but I have to take the risk, I need someone to listen to me, to review my case, and give me an explanation, why I can't get my Childcare Home License. PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW I COULD SEND AGAIN MY INSPECTIONS REPORTS FOR YOU. Kind Regards, Maria

2019-07-23 07:39:20

I will be protesting in Tallahassee I have already protested in Lake County in front of your DCF building July 22nd and I'm on my way there. My rights have been violated because he's new Millennials that work for DCF none of them took the time to read the statue. My daughter passed away and I am the next living adult no one came to get any information from me I did to federal background checks and still no one came to talk to me but I'm hearing through daycare neighbors children that I cannot be around my kids because of my background but no one from the Department of Children and Family have the decency to contact me to tell me what's on my background that violate the statue 39.1 038. I'm going to first try and give you a call this morning July 23rd before I attempt this long journey to Tallahassee.

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