Lamar County DHS-Family and Children's Services

Purvis, MN - 39475

Lamar County DHS-Family and Children's

Services Contact Info

Find the latest and most accurate information on Lamar County DHS-Family and Children's Services


300 North St
Purvis, MN - 39475


Not available yet


(601) 794-1080

Frequently Asked Questions

Are appointments required? 1 responses
What documents do I need to present?
How do I file an anonymous report?
How to file a complaint on a caseworker?
How to report fraud?

Information on Services

Lamar County, Minnesota Department of Human Services DHS Office

This is a local Lamar County DHS Office in Purvis, MN where you can apply or get questions answered on the program. Qualification information can also be addressed.

Full list of services at this DSS Office

Adolescent services
DHS works with others to provide programs for youth at risk, including those who are or were in out-of-home care or minor parents.

Adoption and kinship
DHS ensures that children placed for adoption within Minnesota or across state lines benefit from all legal protections.

Child care
DHS helps families find high quality child care and early education, and links parents to research and resources about child care.

Child protection
The child protection system responds to situations of alleged maltreatment and helps support families to safely care for their children.

Child support
Minnesota's child support program benefits children by enforcing parental responsibility for their support.

Deaf and hard of hearing
DHS serves people who are deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened or deafblind as well as their families, providers, employers and businesses.

Direct care and treatment
DHS operates a highly specialized health care system for people with mental illness, substance abuse disorders, developmental disabilities and other needs.

Foster care
Foster parents provide a bridge with birth parents to enable children to return safely home or to a new adoptive or permanent family.

Refugee programs
This program coordinates services to assist refugees in making the transition to life in the United States.

Social Security Advocacy

Social Security advocates can help people with disabilities apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI).

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